Dearest Grandma : A Mother’s Day Special

posted in: Literary

     Photo Courtesy by Rod Long of Unsplash

Dearest Grandma

A woman that stood the test of time,

She is indeed strong and so refine.

There maybe wrinkles in her eyes and hands,

In the house, she’s still the leader of the band.

When you wrap your arms around me, I could hardly breathe,

But it’s okay Grandma, I feel your great love beneath.

When you toss me in the air, I see the world,

But what’s more beautiful is your smile and your hair’s curled.

When Mom‘s angry, I instantly run to you,

Hiding me at your back and everything becomes brand new

When enemies surround me,

Your defense stings like a bee

Now I am grown up, it’s my turn to do the same

Come on Grandma, let’s play some crazy game.

I will walk with you, whenever those bones are weak,

My arms will be your fortress, I’ll be your strong physique.

I will forever thank you

Because I have a father and mother like you

I promise to take care of you

Even your days seem to be blue

I’ll never leave you, I’ll stand by you

My Grandma, I love you.

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