In a beguiling world where daily events are captured by media whether on national television or newspapers, not a day passes without a crime being reported. Murders, rape cases, political warfares, economic recession and many more are becoming ordinary to the eyes of every reader and viewer. As one of the subjects of the art faculties, news has always been part of our day to day lives. Its main role is to deliver the truth; nothing but the truth.
Speaking of truth, why don’t we offer them the truth that saves? As an ally of truth, it is our supreme responsibility to introduce to the world the right lens to have a better and clearer view of what God has in store for them – Salvation.
The Bible says, God is the author and the finisher of our faith. He writes our stories. Why not write for Him? He also led the apostles with the guidance of His Holy Spirit to pen the Bible. They are called the scribes. In our present generation, we can also be God’s writers, we can be “The Millennial Scribes”. These are Christian journalists who will utilize the media particularly newspapers into something beneficial. Not only for the sake of art nor for entertainment but for the virtue of salvation. We will bring “The Good News” to the newsroom and from the newsroom to your doorstep. Evangelism sets no bounds and reaches even those from afar; writings that remain through ages and reaches across the globe via the lighting speed of electronic media. That’s what OPIF Digest aims to become.
According to David Mathis “God has spoken, so we speak. God has written, so we write”. Christians don’t have to be silent in revealing the truth, because it is not a quiet faith. We need to speak aloud; we need to write aloud. Truth shall always prevail.
Being the herald of The Good News or The Gospel, OPIF Digest is launched as another arm in reaching every lost soul. To be called as watchdog or the social guardian, we will use this as a tool for opportunity in soul winning. Writing for God is not showcasing talents or exposing gifted minds but an invitation to a deeper calling. Maximizing the use of media in a way that can reach out people by introducing to them the plan of salvation.
Our society now is bombarded with falsehood. Fake or hoax news is very rampant nowadays, whether it is on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter even newspapers that leave readers wondering which is which. The implications of deceitfulness are the reasons why people are getting blinded, hungered and dehydrated from the truth. They need light to open their eyes from blindness. Psalm 146:8 “The Lord gives sight to the blind, Lord lifts up those who are bowed, the Lord loves the righteous”. They need food to stop them from starvation. They need water to quench their thirst. John 6:35 “Then Jesus declared, “I am the bread of life. Whoever comes to me will never go hungry, and whoever believes in me will never be thirsty”. It is now time to turn the table and serve the right amount of light, food and water.
OPIF Digest will bring the news in sacred rather than profane writings like what the world usually does. It brings you the news that saves not news that wastes. Through this medium, we take on the challenge in taking a hardstand in providing news that informs, literary pieces that enhances faith, editorial and opinion that define wisdom and column articles that sustain growth and maturity. We stand by the Codes and Canons of professional, fair, honest, balanced and responsible journalism. Likewise, the OPIF Digest shall be guided by the Editorial Policies and shall always exercise the 40-60% Content-Split Policy which means 40% of its space shall be allocated for information drive against 60% for evangelism purposes. Therefore, the wider space allocation for evangelism articles shall make the OPIF Digest the evangelism arm of OPIF, Inc., this time, via the challenging role of Mass Media.
Writing is another important facet of the Gospel. We do not only teach and preach in Crusades and Sunday Services; we NOW write to inform and evangelize. Above all, we bring a spiritual banquet of written exhortations and Gospel propagations that rather secures a soul to eternity than wondering in uncertainty.
In 2 Timothy 3:16-17 “All scripture is given by inspiration of God and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete thoroughly equipped for every good work”. The note here is very imperative. Truly the Word of God can transform lives. We want to be part of that transformation not only through vocal medium, but also through written words. The penmen of God that will only write about truth because we stand by the truth and we know the truth and that’s what we want to share through our pens.
Holy Scriptures and the Holy Spirit of God will be our strongest backbones to make this stand strong. It is not the academic circles nor the scholastic realms that will rule over this material, but it is through the leading of God’s Holy Spirit. It is not the work of magic nor wizard. It is not the school of genius. Indeed, it is the work and school of God. As written in the book James 1:22 “But be doers of the word and not hearers only, deceiving yourself”. We believe that being a doer of the word in the full extent of our knowledge is a word that is spoken and written Word of God. God does not want us to be hearers only. The moment we silence the Bible, is the opportunity of deceiving ourselves. Why? Because our God is not a mute God. Genesis 1:3, God says “Let there be light, and there was light”. A true manifestation of God’s power. His voice has power. His word has power. Indeed, He is power. When He said it, it happened instantly.
Another main objective, is to encourage other believers to come out of their shell and take part of spreading the Gospel through writings. God had called us from darkness into His marvelous light. With that divine calling, we live no more in the street of shame and bondage. We are all free. Being free is not being ashamed to take part and contribute to God’s vineyard. Being free is not confining nor limiting your horizon. Your story how God transformed you can create a testimony that can surely make a great impact to other believers. Why not write it? Why not share it? After all, sharing is giving. We were taught the importance of giving.
Suffice it to say, OPIF Digest is an extended arm of The Gospel. This is not a different implement but an additional tool in spreading The Good News. OPIF Inc. is growing swiftly, so another crop comes out of the soil which still needs water. To make the crop grow, this water we are referring is tantamount to the support of each member of the church. The name OPIF DUNES symbolizes all our stories and struggles. The beautiful dunes stand because of the scattered sands brought together by the wind. No matter how strong the heatwaves are, the dunes remain unfaltering. Like us, we were once scattered and because of God’s great love, we became one. With one common goal – to share the Gospel. When you are walking in the sand, you are leaving footprints. Those footprints are spectacle display of your journey, how long and how far you have travelled. Likewise, The OPIF Digest begins its journey and wants to leave footprints to all readers and in the generations to come.